Leaders are created
by the demands are that are placed upon them.
Leadership can be defined as a process of social influence
in which one person has the ability to enlist the aid and support of others in
the accomplishment of a common goal. Are leaders born or are they created
by the demands placed upon them? I
believe that circumstances and necessities do play a significant role in the
emergence as a leader; however the role of innate and nurtured personalilty
traits like intelligence, conscientiousness, openness to experience, integrity
and self confidence cannot be minimized.
Leaders have played an integral
part in shaping our history. Abraham Lincoln is considered as one of the
greatest presidents of United States. It would be premature to say that his
leadership borne just out of the
circumstances like the wide spread prevalence of slavery in the southern states
and the reluctance of the slave owners to set them free. Lincoln’s conviction that
a country cannot exist half free, his high moral and ethical standards, his
tactics and determination, his organizational skills, his oratory skills, all
played a role in him emerging as an effective leader. The same can be said
about leaders like Martin Luther King or Mahatma Gandhi. They were not simply created by the demands
placed upon them - in Kings case, the need to break the shackles of racial
discrimination, and in Gandhi’s time, the need for Indian independence from the
British empire. Instead, their strong resolve
to gain true freedom for their people, their conscientiousness, their uncanny ability
to convince people about the power of nonviolent resistance through their words
and deeds, all formed inevitable components of their great leadership.
In summary I believe that leaders
emerge when people with leadership traits – which can be inherent or nurtured
traits – exist in an environment that demands them to rise to the occasion of
guiding their followers to a common goal.
nice piece of writing :)