Sunday, November 27, 2011

If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it are justifiable.
Does the end justify the means? Many people believe that a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it are justifiable. I do not agree with this argument.  The worthiness of a goal is an abstract notion,  and can vary from person to person.  Almost always, there are more than one way to accomplish a goal, and the one which is morally and ethically appropriate should be chosen. Unscrupulous ways to achieve a goal  cannot be encouraged. Let me illustrate this with a few examples.
Getting a college degree  and obtaining good grades  can be considered as worthy goals for students.  However that does not justify plagiarizing others works  to obtain better grades. Pursuit of happiness can be considered a worthy goal. Reaching levels of euphoria through alcohol or recreation drug abuse however cannot be justified. Spending time with the family can be a fine goal, but one can’t leave the work place before  the work hours  to attain that goal.  Bridging the gap between the rich and the poor in the nation is a worthy goal, but forcing the rich to give away all their wealth  to attain the needed equilibrium. Eradicating AIDS from the face of the earth is ideal. But that goal cannot justify killing everyone with HIV infection.  Winning a Presidential election is a worthy goal. However  spreading false claims about the opponents or trying to leak their election strategies (eg. Watergate scandal) is not pardonable.
In summary the goals, no matter how ideal they are, may not justify the means to achieve them. Ideal goals through ideal means should be what we aim for.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

In order to become well-rounded individuals, all college students  should be required to take courses in which they read poetry novels, mythology and other types of imaginative literature.

A solid foundation in education of its citizens  is one of the prerequisites for the socioeconomic development of a nation.  The educational process  as whole has a lot of potential for improvement and efforts to revamp the system are called for . In order  to increase its ability to develop and nurture  well-rounded individuals, some people argue that all college students  should be required to take courses in which they read poetry novels, mythology and other types of imaginative literature. I do not agree with this argument. Though options of pursuing imaginative literature should be widely available in the curriculum, I do not think that it should be made a mandatory requirement.

Every individual is unique in terms of their talents, passions and style of learning. Not everyone shares the same level of appreciation for poetry, mythology and fiction. It is  unreasonable to force some one to take courses in imaginative literature  if they loathe the same. A student who is  passionate about science, one who aspires to be a lab scientist or researcher, one who wants to be a mathematician, all  may prefer to spent their time and efforts  in college where they can build their skill sets for a solid career in their chosen field. They may find the mandatory literature courses tedious and boring, and a unrewarding distraction for from their focus of interest. A college education is expensive, and in these trying economic times,  such mandatory courses may not provide the value to the money spent. Even worse some students may just not complete their college education if forced to take courses they have no interest in, there by jeopardizing their future.

Poetry, novels and other types of imaginative literature, all help to widen a person’s imagination. They  take them to a different realm of experience. Depending on their topics, these works of art have the potential to educate and  inspire students, motivate them and  may also play a role in developing  into them into well rounded individuals. However,  more than a few courses in college, several other factors help to mould the character of a well rounded individual . Practical experiences in one’s life, active participation in sports and other activities, volunteering in the community , all may contribute to personality development. By the time a students completes high school, they should have adequate exposure to the field of imaginative literature. If this is not the case the curriculum in schools may be modified to achieve this goal. Once out of high school, students  who have decided on a strong career  path should be given the option of focusing more on their chosen field on interest. For all others, the option should of taking courses in various other disciplines including imaginative literature can be encouraged.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Politicians should pursue common ground and reasonable consensus rather than elusive ideals

Should our political leaders pursue common ground and reasonable consensus? Or should they focus on elusive ideals? While it is true that a pragmatic leader would aim for reasonable consensus and succeed in accomplishing a common goal, their achievements may only be mediocre, where as the rare  iconoclastic leader achieves greatness by  attaining goals  thought to be  unattainable,  holding true to  ideals which  many people may classify as elusive. Let me illustrate my viewpoint with some examples.

Abraham Lincoln is considered as one of the greatest presidents of the United States. He led the country through a great consititutional, military and moral crisis – the American civil war – preserving the union, while abolishing slavery and promoting economic modernization. Had he strived for a consensus and compromised his ideals of true equality for every individual, regardless of their race, the course of our nation’s history might have been different. Slavery, a  brutal injustice could still have flourished in this country for longer.  The life and legacy of Mahatma Gandhi  is another case in point. When India was under the British rule, when the demands for the independence of the nation was being ignored and  Indians were treated like second rate citizens by the imperialists in their own country, Gandhi advocated for a nonviolent resistance as a strategy to fight the British. Many thought that the principles of ahimsa and nonviolence were elusive ideals, however through his words and deeds, Gandhi was able to convince the masses and go forwards with the nonviolent freedom struggle which culminated in India attaining independence in 1947.

Is it always worthwhile pursuing elusive ideals? I do not think so. The recent failure of the super committee in reaching a consensus regarding deficit reduction is an example. The Republicans and Democrats both stuck to their ideals, were unwilling to compromise, and no effective deal could be made. This indecision is frustrating when United States is going through trying economic times, and the debt levels are at an all time high.

In summary, I believe that politicians should try their best to reach a consensus and pursue goals benefitting the public while aspiring to stay true to their ideals. If a consensus cannot be reached, and the ideals at stake are the ones that would lead to a greater common good, they may have to try alternate strategies and unconventional methods to attain those ideals.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

People should undertake risky action after they have carefully considered its consequences

Many people believe that  before undertaking any  risky action one has to carefully consider its consequences.  I do agree with this argument, except in some exceptional circumstances. Let me illustrate my view with some examples.

In health care when we opt for treatments for chronic problems ,like for example lower back pain, people have the choice of undergoing surgery or going with medical management and physical therapy. In such a setting the physician is supposed to obtain informed consent prior to the surgical procedure when he or she clearly explains the benefits the surgery can provide, and the risks of complications including permanent nerve damage, bleeding and anesthetic complications  which can occur during the procedure. The patient is then expected to make an informed decision with the help of the physicians keeping in mind his/her priorities , level of pain, the time they could take off and variety of  other factors.  Same is the case with almost any non-emergent surgical procedure or treatment modality, where the physician and the patient  are expected to go over the risks and benefits before  making a decision. However if the situation is an emergency, there may not be enough time for the physician to carefully consider all the consequences,  or discuss it with the patient and expedient action becomes necessary in an attempt to save the patient’s life. Informed consent is not mandatory under such circumstances.

Our actions can have far reaching consequences, so  considerable thought should be given before making any major decisions. The housing  bubble in United States is another case in point. People made risky decisions in terms of buying homes playing inflated prices through mortgages which they were unable to pay back. The crisis in the housing market, the foreclosures and and the collapse of the mortage industry all contributed to the economic recession.

In most circumstances, the proverbs, “Look before you leap” and “Haste makes waste” hold true. However, there are circumstances when “he who hesitates is lost”. Opportunities may not knock twice, and the person who seizes the moment through quick decision may make considerable gains, for example in the stock market sector and other businesses.  Such occasions are by far rare.

In summary, I  believe that analyzing the short term and long term implications of our choices do help us make better decision, except in exceptional circumstances

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Leaders  are created by the demands are that are placed upon them.
Leadership can be defined as a process of social influence in which one person has the ability to enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common goal. Are leaders born or are they created by  the demands placed upon them? I believe that circumstances and necessities do play a significant role in the emergence as a leader; however the role of innate and nurtured personalilty traits like intelligence, conscientiousness, openness to experience, integrity and  self confidence cannot be minimized.
Leaders have played an integral part in shaping our history. Abraham Lincoln is considered as one of the greatest presidents of United States. It would be premature to say that his leadership borne just  out of the circumstances like the wide spread prevalence of slavery in the southern states and the reluctance of the slave owners to set them free. Lincoln’s conviction that a country cannot exist half free, his high moral and ethical standards, his tactics and determination, his organizational skills, his oratory skills, all played a role in him emerging as an effective leader. The same can be said about leaders like Martin Luther King or Mahatma Gandhi.  They were not simply created by the demands placed upon them - in Kings case, the need to break the shackles of racial discrimination, and in Gandhi’s time, the need for Indian independence from the British empire. Instead, their strong  resolve to gain true freedom for their people, their conscientiousness, their uncanny ability to convince people about the power of nonviolent resistance through their words and deeds, all formed inevitable components of their great leadership.
In summary I believe that leaders emerge when people with leadership traits – which can be inherent or nurtured traits – exist in an environment that demands them to rise to the occasion of guiding their followers to a common goal.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The most effective way to understand contemporary culture is to analyze the trends of its youth.

 Cultural ethos of a  society inevitably change over time. What is the best way to understand contemporary culture of a scoiety?  Many people think that  analyzing the trends of its youth is the most effective way to feel the pulse of contemporary culture. I do not agree with this argument. I believe that trends of a representative section of the society needs to be analyzed, and not one subgroup  alone while one attempts  to characterize contemporary culture.

A society is composed of not just the youth, but the members of varying age groups from infancy to adulthood.  In order to get a feel for the contemporary culture of the society, the trends in all these  age groups, over a time period  needs  to be analyzed. Just analyzing the youth, leaving the children,  middle aged and elderly aside, may give a skewed perception of the cultural milieu. For example, to know what’s in vogue in the world of fiction, examining the books that the youth focus on will not be reflective of the society as a whole; one needs to look at the market trends in books sold to all age groups and not just popular young adult fiction or whatever is popular among the youth. About clothing and accessories, the style that the youth prefers may not be in line with what the 40 and 50 year old ladies  opt for. Same is the case in music. Just because Justin Bieber is a sensation among a subset of the society, other similar sized or larger subsets may not share their views.  The movies that the youth go to may be a totally different genre when compared to the ones popular amongst younger children. Similar cases can be found out in virtually any field that on examine when one tries to understand the contemporary culture.

In summary, I believe that most effective way to understand contemporary culture is to analyze trends in a representative sample of the society, consisting of different age, race, gender and socioeconomic status.  Just analysing the youth’s trend may be easy, but it may give a skewed version of contemporary culture.

Monday, November 21, 2011

All parents are required to volunteer time to their children’s schools.

A solid foundation in education is one of the prerequisites for the social and economic development of a nation. Given that United States is no longer number one in the international standardized tests and is lagging behind other nations like Sweden and Singapore, there are growing concerns about the educational experience in the country and efforts are underway to improve the process. Parents, teachers and educational institutions, all play a significant role in raising the educational standards. Considering the various benefits, many people now think that all parents should volunteer time to their children’s schools. I believe that parents should be encouraged to volunteer time in their kids’ schools, but this need not be made mandatory.

In recent times, with the relatively stagnant economic growth, funding for various school activities are limited. If parents could help out the school authorities in these trying times, it would help sustain programs which may otherwise be slashed by budget cuts. Activities could vary from helping students out with school work, or providing sports training or even taking the children out for a fun and educational visit to zoos, parks, museums etc. Even reading a story to a group of young children would be an enjoyable activity. The more involved parents are in school, and the activities there, the more likely their children are going to do well in academic and extracurricular activities. It also helps to buttress the parent- teacher and parent-child relationships, which in turn creates a better educational environment for children. 

Can all parents volunteer time for schools? There are times when this might not be possible. Families with financial hardship may be juggling different jobs and may have no time off for volunteer work. Single parents may  find it difficult to balance work, child rearing and find it difficult to participate in voluntary activities. Adults with significant medical conditions for obvious reasons may be unable to contribute to the system. Also there are situations in which the parents who are in charge do not behave responsibly– they may be addicted to drugs, may not exhibit any interest in the child and some of them could be abusive too. In such scenarios, it’s hard to expect them to turn up for any volunteer activity.

In summary, I do believe that parents should show active interest in school work and they should be encouraged to participate in various voluntary activities. However, it might not be practical to make  their participation mandatory.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Colleges and universities should require the students to spend at least one semester studying in a foreign country.

A solid foundation in education is one of the prerequisites for the socioeconomic development of a nation. We are constantly trying to revamp our educational process to make it better and more meaningful for the students. Some argue that colleges and universities should require the students to spend at least one semester studying in a foreign country. A semester abroad, for sure have several benefits, but I do not think that this should be made mandatory  as part of our higher education.

Despite our world shrinking into a global village, there are significant differences among the lifestyle, languages and cultures of various societies. Exposure to a different culture, as we would experience during one’s studies abroad, would help us to widen our horizons. Students would gain a better perspective regarding the differences between their country and the foreign nation. The first hand experience they gain by directly mingling with the indigenous people, getting immersed in a different language and culture, adjusting to a different social mores is invaluable. There might be nothing better for someone learning a second language other than learning it from the native speakers, living in their country, constantly using the language. Anthropology students can gain an indepth understanding of their subjects  by directly interacting with them. Public health focusing on global health can explore the challenges the developing world faces, and try to develop better plans and projects  tailoring to the needs in a resource limited setting. Business students can work on ways to win in the global market place, where boundaries are being blurred,  if they are more accustomed to the nuances of the way business process works in a different country.

Are there different strategies that would help the students reap the benefits of a semester spent abroad in a  foreign country ? With the advances in science and technology, we do have several options. The internet is an excellent source. People across the globe can interact with so much ease at a very minimal cost. One could indeed have a virtual tour of another country through the videos and images obtained free through the net. In addition to the internet,  resources like movies,  documentaries and books, all help us to gain the benefits of a study abroad program to a certain extent. These would be more flexible options for gaining experience and can be pursued any time, and are quite inexpensive.

In summary, I believe that there are several  advantages to a study abroad program and students could be encouraged to pursue them as part of their education. However these  programs need not be made mandatory, and based on students known preferences , funding constraints, flexibility  and other limitations, they may be offered other options to gain the benefits of such programs.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

People’s behavior is largely determined by forces not of their making.

Ethics and morality play a significant role in nurturing a  society.  However,  one may often encounter unacceptable or even criminal behaviors from  some members of the society.  Are we responsible for our own actions? Or are actions mostly  governed by external forces? I would favor the former approach , as  I believe that people are  accountable for their own actions except in certain circumstances. Let me illustrate this with a few examples.

Imagine a scenario when two teenagers get into fight over, say over the best cell phone in the market, and one beats up the other when they disagree. Clearly the person who couldn’t control his anger when he had a disagreement is at fault.  Healthy humans do have the mental faculties required to control their emotions, to  recognize what is unacceptable behavior in the society they live, and to realize what actions or behaviors could harm others. Would the case be different when the perpetrator of violence is under the influence of drugs of abuse? I do not think so. He is responsible for his actions, as again the choice to be on illicit drugs for recreational purposes was his own decision.  Many recreational drugs have addictive potential and can alter your normal behavior, but again there are almost always ways to get out of the drug habit, even if it involves getting  into detoxification program.

Let us consider a different scenario.  Good students who are motivated to do well in school may put in a lot of effort in their school work,  study hard for their tests, succeed in college and get a well paying job. On the other hand, there are students who would waste their time, showing no meaningful interest in the studies and they may remain unemployed.  The guidance of parents and teachers do play a significant role in nurturing a student’s interest in academics. Also students with educated parents, the ones with a higher socioeconomic status, the ones with a stable family situation may find a more conducive environment to learn when compared to students with a lower socioeconomic standards and  the students from broken families. However, these factors cannot be given as an excuse for poor performance in academic settings as most of us  have the choice to put in more effort, to  make a decision for a better future for ourselves. The rise of Obama to level of the President of USA, despit him being the only son of a teenage single mother is a case in point.

There are certain instances where an in individual cannot be held responsible for his or her actions. Little children who do not know the difference between right and wrong may not always be expected to act appropriately under all circumstances.  Individuals with psychiatric disorders, not under treatment could have delusions and hallucinations which make them behave in an illogical manner. The altered brain chemistry in such a setting may make them do things , many of them inappropriate or sometimes criminal. They may not be held responsible for their actions.

In summary, I believe that our actions are  largely determined by the choices we make; though external forces may influence our choice, we should be  held accountable for our deeds except under exceptional circumstances.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Although innovations such as videos, computers and the internet seem to offer schools improved methods for instructing students, these technologies all too often distract from real learning.
The innovations in the field of science and technology have revolutionized the field of education. Gone are the times when students needed to rely on dull tomes as the main source of information.  With access to videos, computers and the internet,  schools are able to offer  improved methods for instructing students. Many people think that these modalities all too often distract from real learning. I do not agree with this argument.  The benefits of the advanced technology and open access to a wide variety of choices for  furthering education through prudent use of the computers and internet outweigh their  potential harm. Motivated students can always find a way to focus on their education despite all the distractions.

Learners can be classified as  visual learners, auditory learners and kinesthetic or tactile learners. The pictures and videos help the visual learners immensely. It just takes a few clicks to google an image or find a video on  youtube regarding your topic of interest. For auditory learners, again there are great lectures available for free on the internet. If they would like to record the lecture at school or college, that is an option too. Thanks to the advances in technology, recording a lecture and playing it on your i-pod or any electronic device is a quick and easy process. For kinesthetic learners, in addition to the various projects and experiments that the curriculum offers umpteen other websites which provide access to processes that could enhance their learning.

In earlier days, students needed to go over countless books just to access the right information. Its available now at the finger tips. Websites like Wikipedia have made knowledge accessible to every one regardless of their  socioeconomic status or country of origin.  Students from any corner of the world can now listen to the lectures of the world renowned professors at MIT through the open courseware.

Can internet and other modalities distract students? Of course they can. But so can pretty much  any thing else in the whole wide world. Students who are motivated enough, the ones who have the thoughtful guidance from their parents and teachers should not find it difficult to minimize these distractions and focus on their studies. Limiting access to internet or computers, just because they have the potential to distract students is neither pragmatic, nor beneficial. It would simply limit the student’s access to a wealth of information.

In summary I believe that innovations such as videos, computers and the internet have  offered schools considerably better methods for instructing students when compared to days of yore, and their prudent use by students should be active encouraged.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The best ideas arise from passionate interest in commonplace things

The world is changing constantly, thanks to the advances in science and technology, the changes in the sociocultural and political mileu over the centuries.  At the root of all these changes are innovative ideas. Where do these ideas arise from? Many people think that the best ideas arise from passionate interest in commonplace things. I partially agree with this statement. I believe that ideas can happen serendipitously and can  also develop through years of deliberate efforts focusing on complex scientific hypotheses. Let me illustrate this with a few examples.

Newton’s discovery of the laws of gravity stemmed from his passionate interest in the subject after he noted an apple falling from a tree. Though this incident could be apocryphal, scientific world abounds with similar scenarios. Archimedes principle was developed after he noted the water overflowing from his bath tub, stimulating him to think about the connection between the density of the object immersed in water and the amount of water displaced by it.

Ideas can arise serendipitously. Alexander Fleming’s discovery of penicillin is a case in point. He was passionately about the properties of microorganisms, a not so commonplace subject. While culturing Staphylococci, a species of bacteria, he accidentally left some tissue culture samples unchecked for a while. Molds grew in the unchecked petri dishes, and he observed that the inhibition of bacterial growth around one particular type of mold, from which with the help of other scientists, the first antibiotics penicillin was meticulously isolated.

In summary, I believe that ideas can happen when some one is passionately interested in things granted as mundane. They can also occur by chance or by deliberate and thoughtful research.

To be an effective leader, a public leader must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards.
Leadership can be defined as the process of social influence in which a person is able to enlist the aid and support of  others in the accomplishment of a common  goal. An  effective  public leader plays a major role in ensuring the welfare of the people of a society. To be effective, it has been argued that   a public leader must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards.  I do believe that it is important to have a high ethical and moral standard, though it should be recognized that there morality is often an abstract concept and there are several  grey areas in characterizing an action as moral or immoral.
Abraham Lincoln is considered as one of the greatest presidents of United States of America.  He led the country through the civil war - a constitutional, military and moral crisis, and ultimately succeeded in abolishing slavery and preserving the Union.  He maintained the highest ethical and moral standards, did not relent despite initial resistance from the southern states and triumphed in the end in achieving his goals. Mohandas Gandhi, widely known as Mahatma Gandhi was a champion of nonviolence and ahimsa. Under his able leadership, India attained Independence from the British in 1947 through a nonviolent resistance of the masses against the empire. He was able to win over the skeptics of nonviolence through his powerful words and deeds. Martin Luther King, inspired by Gandhi, led the Civil rights movement focused on ending the racial segregation and discrimination through civil disobedience and other nonviolent means.
Let us now examine the cases of potentially the worst leaders the world has ever witnessed. Adolf Hitler had questionable if any moral or ethical standards and he  headed the Nazi part and was the head of the state of Germany  from 1934 to 1945. He is associated mainly with world war II, the rise in fascism in Europe and also the Holocaust. Muammed Gaddafi, the Libyan leader had no consideration for his own countrymen and openly supported the torture of his opponents. His country was in chaos and is struggling to rebuild now, after his assassination.
What should be the public leaders stand on issues like abortion and gay marriage? These are controversial subjects, and what could be considered free will and basic fairness by one section of the society could be considered as immorals act by others. So an absolute moral stand in these cases may not be achievable.
In general, I agree  that an effective  leader should have a  high ethical and moral standard to ably guide the people,  though I realize that there often times where an absolute moral stand may be elusive idea.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Critical judgment of any work in any given field has little value unless it comes from someone who is an expert in the field.

Constructive criticism helps us to improve the quality of work in pretty much every field.  Whose judgment should be valued more? Many people think that critical judgment of any work in any given field has little value unless it comes from someone who is an expert in the field. I disagree with this argument. As we strive to improve the quality of our works,   critical judgment from any source, even from a layperson may be helpful, provided we keep an open mind, think for ourselves   and closely examine the validity of their judgment. Let me illustrate this with a few examples.

The field of medicine is rapidly changing in the current era. Umpteen research papers are published every day in journals. The medical students and residents do get some training to critically evaluate a journal article as part of their mandatory curriculum. This in turn helps them to judge a research paper, , despite not being experts in the field on the basis on the question the article tries to answer, the methodology of the study, the data presented and the conclusions reached by the authors.

Consider a person working on a novel.  He or she may show the initial drafts of his work to his close friends and benefactors. They may be able to offer critical comments, which in turn may or may not be used to modify the work based on the author’s discretion.  It’s very likely that a person who loves reading, despite not being the expert in literary criticism, will be able to give helpful suggestions which improve the readability of the novel. Their judgment in this scenario has true value.  Similar examples can be found in virtually any form arts. One does not need to be an expert guitarist or violinist to offer critical judgment on a piece of music developed by a budding composer.

There are times when people do not need to have any back ground at all on the topic or the product which is judged. An average consumer may not have an in depth idea about how a software or a computer works. But he or she would be able to point out the features he likes or dislike in a particular model, which in turn can be incorporated when the company comes up with its next version.

In summary, I believe that critical judgment  from experts are valuable, however constructive criticism and comments from any source may help us improve the quality of our work.

Monday, November 14, 2011

The surest indicator of a great nation is not the achievements if its rulers, artists or its scientists.
The surest indicator of a great nation is actually the welfare of all of its people.

What constitutes a great nation? Greatness is an abstract idea and the degree of greatness attributed to a nation would be a difficult thing to measure.  That still doesn’t prevent us from  wondering  where the various nations of the world rank on a scale of greatness. Many consider that the magnanimity of a nation does not rely on the achievements of a handful of its citizens – its rulers, artists or its scientists. Rather the welfare of the citizens as whole should be weighed in when one rates a nation.  I cannot completely agree with this argument as both criteria often coexist, and can be interdependent and mutually exclusive.   A nation which focuses on the welfare of its citizens usually has great leaders, and a considerable number of successful   artists and scientists , who all work for the upliftment of its citizens, except in certain exceptional cases.
 United nation is considered one of the greatest countries that have ever existed. The nation guarantees a minimum standard of living for its citizens, through the social security program implemented by president Franklin D Roosevelt in 1935. The country has contributed umpteen number of artists, scientists and has the highest number of Nobel prize winners in the world. To consider a different scenario,  consider Germany during world war II, most people would not attribute  greatness to the country at at least  that time . Hitler was one of the worst rulers we ever had, the citizens , especially the Jews had to go through torture and mass murder.  Regarding the achievements of the  artists and scientists, there was no dearth of achievements in arts and science  in Germany during world war II, when compared to other countries,  however that does not make up for the atrocious acts of its ruler or for the suffering of its people.  
Artists and scientists often emerge from a nurturing environment.  Somalia torn by internal strifes has not been able to contribute significantly to the field of arts or science. One of the main reasons is that the environment in the country, with people having no access to the basic amenities is simply not conducive for the development of talent in arts or science.
  In summary I believe that talented artists and scientists are better nurtured in a country where people have liberty, equality and freedom of choice, no matter which section of the society they belong to. The achievements of achievements oa nation’s rulers, artists or scientists leaders indirectly  indicates the welfare of the citizens, which in turn may be considered a indicator of its greatness.